Garden frost do I need to worry?

Still plenty of time for a frost

I think the weather is the number 1 concern for most gardeners old and new. In the spring often as early as April, summer bedding will be on sale, sold in flower to tempt you, the sun may be shining but it can be too early to plant out, so you will need to protect them in a greenhouse, conservatory or even the house.

When planting you should consider the weather especially frosts, even hardy plants can be caught out, you will be in a hurry to start planting but frost is your enemy. Once you could rely on the local weather forecasts to warn you, but in recent years I have found them to be increasingly unreliable and quite often misleading, they seem to be obsessed with extreme weather and warnings.
Another problem, they now give the temperatures for towns, this can give you a false sense of security, as they are normally warmer than rural areas, so often you get no warning of early morning ground frosts.
You need to learn to read the weather yourself, look out for still conditions and clear skies at night if in doubt cover your plants with fleece.

Is it a ground frost or air frost, it makes a difference.
Find out more

How do I protect my plants and should I worry about a few cold nights.

How cold are my plants don’t guess measure it with a thermometer.

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