Help I have sown my tomatoes to soon!

It is very easy to sow your tomatoes too soon, sometimes it is just excitement, sometimes bad advice, we all learn by experience.
Often new gardeners, in a hurry follow the wrong advice, seed packets for instance.

There are some simple tricks you can use to slow your plants down, if they are sown too soon, or you might be running out of space.

Tip 1

Cool your plants down, they will grow slower.

Tip 2

Give your plants less water, allow them to wilt between watering it will slow them down.

Tip 3

Give them more space, tomatoes that are too close will stretch as they produce a hormone to make them taller. Growing them in the shade or poor light will also make them stretch.

Tip 4

don’t make the problem worse by potting your seedlings or plugs into large pots, they will grow faster.

For more information on temperature and growing.

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