March the month of decisions and planning.

Now is a good time to plan and prepare before your garden springs into life and everything needs attention at the same time.

A chorus of lawnmowers will soon shatter the peace, as the grass starts to grow.

I always think that March is like Christmas eve.
The secret to a stress-free Christmas is preparation, the same applies to gardening, you will soon be very busy, planting and maintaining your garden.
Preparation is the key.

March is the time to plan and prepare your garden.

How much preparation can you do? It depends a bit on the weather
When it’s wet and horrible
Stay inside and look for inspiration, get some books or seed catalogues out, search the internet for ideas.
If you have taken pictures of your garden during the year now is a good time to review them, you can see what has worked and what didn’t
Think ahead you can prepare the ground ready for planting, use some black polythene to keep the rain off, it will be dry and warm when you want to plant and it will also kill small weeds.
Get the mower out and check it works.
Give your greenhouse pots and tools a spring clean
buy all the things you might need like compost and pots in advance it will save time later.
And If it’s dry
Time to sort out some weeds they are much easier to kill when small.
lawns can be cut and raked to remove dead material.
Now is a good time to plant hardy plants the soil is warming up and the roots will establish quickly.
The winter is nearly over and this is your last chance to plant bare-root stock or move an existing plant before it starts growing.
Think about some maintenance, fences, decking and sheds might need attention.

Finally, the clocks go back, you get an extra hour after tea to start pottering in the garden.

Plants to buy this month

Box topiary

Buxus or boxwood are very popular evergreen garden shrubs. Slow growing with small glossy leaves they are perfect for trimming and shaping. Grown in huge…

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Spring Alpines

Alpines Spring flowering alpines, grown undercover to flower earlier than normal they can be a good buy, just remember they will flower later next year….

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