Summer thrillers

A range of taller plants that are perfect for using in summer patio pots and hanging baskets, to add height and texture.

Upright plants
10-2 o’clock

Taller plants for the middle of your planter often called the focal or main plant


A selection of colourful foliage plants, they give height and shape to your planter.

A mix of hot flowers and foliage thrillers matched with some fillers
Thrillers back row Geraniums, Begonias Coleus (Middle)
Fillers Verbena, Begonia semp, Marigolds, Margerite, Petunia & Impatiens

A mix of cool flowers and foliage thrillers matched with some fillers
Thrillers back row Geraniums, Begonias, Helitrope, Cineraria
Fillers Verbena, Begonia semp, Nemesia, Petunia & Impatiens

For extra height and an exotic look add canna


Margerites add height and colour

Fuchsias can add height and colour, shaped as columns or standards