Summer fillers

A range of bushy flowering and foliage plants, to provide colour and fill up your patio pots and hanging baskets

Semi- trailing
2-4 8-10

Semi trailing spreading plants often called fillers

A wide range of colourful fillers for your summer planters. A rainbow of colours a perfect marriage with some taller fillers or trailing spillers

Begonias a wide range of colours and sizes perfect for filling in.

Petunias all shapes and colours, just not happy with wet weather

Geraniums fillers or thrillers you decide

A mix of hot flowers and foliage thrillers matched with some fillers
Thrillers back row Geraniums, Begonias Coleus (Middle)
Fillers Verbena, Begonia semp, Marigolds, Margerite, Petunia & Impatiens

A mix of cool flowers and foliage thrillers matched with some fillers
Thrillers back row Fuchsia, Geraniums, Begonias, Helitrope, Cineraria
Fillers Verbena, Begonia semp, Nemesia, Petunia & Impatiens

Single colours can look stunning.

Contrasting colours and foliage also work.

Or subtle pinks can relax