Summer bedding plants

Summer bedding is the planting of short-lived but fast-growing plants to provide masses of colourful flowers or foliage through the summer. The plants are normally annuals but just to confuse you, they can also be biennials, tender perennials or hardy focal plants.
I think it is important to say that they are expecting summer weather when you plant them, if it is cold when you buy them, don’t plant them or use fleece or a greenhouse for protection until the weather changes.
Combine any of the summer bedding plants for an instant patio pot.

begonia semps

pack bedding instant colour

Use taller plants like geraniums for height

french marigold

Marigolds plants are good for filling in gaps

Plant up some hanging baskets or planters

Wide range of patio plants are available

Trailing plants are good for hanging baskets and ground cover

Often sold in flower you can see the colours before you buy. They are only starting to grow and will double or triple in size over the summer.

grown on the nursery in perfect conditions, they don’t like warm dark stores and can deteriorate quickly. avoid stretched or yellow-leaved plants. Often sold before they are safe to plant out.