Hardy cyclamen

True hardy cyclamen are a joy to see, a drift of colour that pops up every year to brighten up your day. Once they are settled in they can spread, throwing up masses of flowers followed by seeds that quickly germinate and grow.

Best grown under large trees or shrubs they can grow undistubed, sheltered from the worst of the weather. They mix well with spring bulbs, hellebores and snowdrops.

They also work in patio pots, they can spend the summer tucked away from sight, bringing them out for the winter when they flower.

Autumn flowering cyclamen are usually Cyclamen hederifolium

spring flowering cyclamen are normally Cyclamen coum

You can buy hardy cyclamen for the garden, perhaps the best way is established plants in pots, often in flower, but seed or bulbs can also work

Easy to grow, given the right conditions they will thrive, producing masses of flowers just when your garden needs colour. Make sure they are true hardy cyclamen when you buy them. Cyclamen hederifolium or coum.

young plants are widely available, As an outdoor plant they don’t enjoy being in a warm store and stretch quickly. Buy as soon as they come in. Avoid stretched or yellow-leaved plants, or visit a garden centre or nursery where they will be displayed outside.