Growing Sunflowers

How to start growing sunflowers

This is sunflowers for beginners, a quick search online will bring up a wide range of sizes and colours.
I will just encourage you to start with a full proof method, you can then develop your own theories.
You can grow sunflowers, we will choose the easiest type to grow.
My suggestion is a modern compact sunflower, we use one called suntastic but there are lots to try.
Choose the correct varieties you need to grow them in different ways

Sunflower pacino & teddy bear

Sunflowers now come in a wide range of sizes and habits, there are cut flowers, compact, double-flowered and extremely tall prize winners.
Some have pollen and will produce seeds, most modern compact and cut flower types are pollen-free and won’t set seed.
Choose a compact type suitable for patio pots.

Sunflower bicolour

Sow your own

The secret is warmth keep the seeds at 20 degrees (room temperature) and they will germinate quickly.
Sow the seed in small pots 9-11cm, just push them under the compost with your finger about 1cm, water then leave them alone until they germinate.
Sunflowers don’t like to be disturbed, we sow ours directly into the final pot, this may not be possible in the house. If you are sowing late May and June outside it is worth sowing straight into the final position just watch out for slugs.


This will take about 7-10 days at 20 degrees after they germinate you need to keep the seedlings growing. they need warmth (room temperature) and sunlight. A sunny windowsill is okay for 3-4 weeks, then you need to move them outside, but it needs to be warm.
If you don’t have anywhere to grow them on, just delay your seed sowing until later.

Buying sunflower plants

You are unlikely to find young sunflower plants on sale.
What you will find are bigger plants in flower or bud, they are only starting and are worth buying, one plant can have 15-20 flowers.

Sunflower pots starting to flower

Planting your sunflower

Sunflowers don’t like being disturbed, you should move your sunflowers from the small pot into a larger pot 20-30cm when they are 10-15cm high
Try to get a compost with some john Innes or soil included it will add some weight and help with watering. size. Put one plant in a 20cm pot or 3 in a 30cm pot.

Looking after your sunflower

Choose a sunny sheltered spot, they need the sun and will grow faster when kept warm.
If the weather is cold or frosty bring them into the house at night.
Your compact sunflower is self-supporting
When the flowers are finished, the petals will drop off, cut the rest of the flower head off, you may need a knife or secateurs, taking care to leave the side buds on, to grow and flower later.


Keep them watered, with feed, this might be every day in the summer. If in doubt, water them you can’t do any harm.

Feeding your sunflower

When the buds appear, feed the sunflowers at every watering they are hungry. We add some slow-release fertiliser to the compost at planting this makes sure there is always some feed available.


Sunflowers love the sun, in very wet damp weather, they can get stem or leaf rot, just move the pots under cover out of the rain.

When do I start

If you have a cold (unheated) greenhouse or grow house.

Sow April inside the house
Plant or move into the greenhouse late May, have a bit of fleece handy for cold nights or bring them into the house for the night.
Flowers should start towards the end of June.

If you only have a patio

You will need to wait for the warm weather (If you are happy to share your house with the young plants you can start earlier)
Sow late May or early May inside the house.
Plant or sow late May if the weather is good.
Flowering should start late June early July.

Why would you bother growing your own, they are so easy and children love to watch them grow.

Go on give them a try.


  • Packet of seeds
  • Small pots for sowing and 20-30cm pots for final potting.
  • Slow-release fertiliser not essential but it will make feeding the plant easier
  • Compost, try to get one with some John Innes or soil included it will add some weight and help with watering.
  • Buy some fertiliser when you see it on offer and a watering can to apply the feed.