The clocks change and suddenly it feels like winter, with cool mornings and dark nights
Take advantage of any dry weather to get your garden ready for winter.
Watch out for heavy frosts and bring in any tender plants that might need overwintering, things like dahlias, cannas geraniums etc.
Try to give your grass a haircut before the winter.
Time to protect your taps and hose pipes from the frost and check your fancy ceramic or terracotta pots have plenty of drainage to prevent frost damage

Plants to buy this month

Autumn Bulbs

Spring flowering bulbs are harvested in late spring and summer and packed ready to sell in the autumn usually in September and October, but they…

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Box topiary

Buxus or boxwood are very popular evergreen garden shrubs. Slow growing with small glossy leaves they are perfect for trimming and shaping. Grown in huge…

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