In November we start selling poinsettias, taking care to protect them from the cold.
We can also start planting our Christmas pots and baskets.

We start making Christmas wreaths and pots

Spacing primroses to reduce disease and create a better shape

We have started spacing our spring primroses, this creates a nice round crown and the extra space helps prevent diseases

The Poinsettias are ready to sell

Our early black out poinsettias have plenty of colour, not just red we have white, glitter, lemon and apricot

The first of our Bellis is starting to flower.

Our autumn Bellis are starting to flower, they can stand some bad weather and will flower again in the spring.

Just potted

Bellis just potted

The Bellis and myosotis seeds we sowed in August are ready to pot

Christmas planters

We can start making our Christmas planters using hardy foliage, bellis and primroses.

Making Christmas wreaths

We can start cutting colourful foliage to make our wreaths and pots

Pests and diseases

Better than sticky traps

Better than sticky traps we use aubergines to attract any white fly that take up home in our poinsettias, however, they also attract everything, greenfly quickly moves in followed by caterpillars. We use biological control to sort them out.

Caterpillars are still active

Caterpillars are still quite active and can be destructive eating leaves that can’t be replaced.

Don’t forget the ventilation

Grey mould is always about you need careful watering and good ventilation to keep it away.

Tips and tricks from the Nursery

Watch out for greenfly

Watch out for greenfly they often set up home in greenhouses over the winter

Watering in the autumn, be careful

When watering in the autumn, you need to consider the weather. Use a sunny day and water early in the morning. Avoid splashing lots of water about the high humidity will allow diseases to spread.

Improve your greenhouse atmosphere

Greenhouses need ventilation in the autumn even on cold wet days to reduce the humidity, also think about using fans to move the air.

Plants ready to sell this month


Nothing says Christmas quite like poinsettias. Bright and bold, the colourful bracts light up the winter months. The poinsettia comes from Mexico, where it grows…

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